Sunday, May 10, 2009

BLOG 12:

Summary of:

“The amounts of money gabled in the three areas were compared for the weekend of the odorization and for the weekends before and after. The amount of money gambled in the slot machines surrounding the first odorant during the experimental weekend was significant greater than the amount gambled in the same area during the weekends before and after the experiment, possibly true due olfactory recall. The increase appeared greater on Saturday, when the concentration of odorant was higher. The amounts of money gambled in the slot machines surrounding the second odorant and in the control area did not change significantly compared with the weekends before and after the odorization” (Hirsch 585-594).

In his experiment conducted in one of the casinos in Las Vegas, Hirsch proved that olfactory stimuli increases person’s attitude towards gambling (585-594).

Hirsch, A. R. (1995). Effects of ambient odors on slot-machine usage in a Las Vegas casino. Psychology and Marketing, 12(7), 585-594.

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